Your commonly answered questions about Hepatitis B.
Approximately 257 million people globally are positive for Hepatitis B. Having Hepatitis B carries a risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer with chronic infection. Most transmission occurs at the time of childbirth from mother to child through there are a number of risk factors for transmission. Hepatitis B vaccination provides effective protection against Hepatitis B infection.
Is Hepatitis B routinely recommended for STI testing?
We don’t routinely screen for hepatitis B as part of standard STI screening. Current Canadian guidelines recommend screening if you have not been vaccinated for Hepatitis B and have one or more of the following risk factors:
Exposure to someone with Hepatitis B through blood and/or bodily fluids
Engage in high-risk sexual activities (unprotected sex with multiple sexual partners)
Substance use with sharing of equipment
Use of shared or contaminated materials or equipment (i.e instruments/tools used for personal services procedures that have the potential to break the skin)
Use of shared or contaminated medical devices (i.e. glucometers)
Occupational exposure to blood/body fluids
Travel to/residence in endemic regions
Transfusion recipient/medical procedure in Canada before 1970
History of HIV or Hepatitis C
Born in a country with a high risk of Hepatitis B infection
Who should not be screened for Hepatitis B?
You are vaccinated and do not carry special risk status (see below)
You have a history of Hepatitis B infection
When should I be checked?
While there is no agreed-upon screening frequency, we recommend screening regularly in unvaccinated patients at least every 1-2 years with ongoing risk factor exposure.
Should I be screened if I am vaccinated against Hepatitis B? (Special Risk Status)
We recommend screening regardless of vaccination if you carry the following risk factors:
Are from areas where there is an intermediate (2%) > or higher risk of prevalence - see Referenced Map
Are currently pregnant
Require immunosuppressive therapy
Are a donor or plasma, semen, organs or tissue
Born to a mother with Hepatitis B
If you are concerned about a new Hepatitis B exposure and are seeking post-exposure prophylaxis, we recommend going to an emergency room and not using TeleTest.
These tests are only added in certain situations. Most patients don’t have these tests requested. See the link for more information.