Frequently Asked Questions

Please ensure your SPAM filter on your email address is not filtering our emails. Our results notifications and initial contact by physicians are through email correspondence.


TeleTest is focused on providing an exceptional patient care experience. We understand that timely access to care and quality of care are important issues for patients. We strive to improve your experience, and we love your feedback. If you have any recommendations for how we can serve you better, feature requests or improvements to our existing service we would love to hear back. Please send us an email at

About TeleTest

Tell me more about TeleTest

TeleTest is an Ontario-based online healthcare platform that allows patients to get tested for common conditions and receive prescription medications. We've been operating since 2021. We are a virtual care provider that works with CPSO licensed physicians to provide access to testing and prescriptions remotely.

Why use TeleTest?

TeleTest allows for same-day access to testing and medication. You don't have to wait in a health clinic or walk-in and can conveniently arrange lab testing from your phone.

The process is confidential and secure and follow-up medication for treatment when appropriate is faxed to your preferred pharmacy.

Is TeleTest a legitimate medical service?

Yes, TeleTest has provided care to thousands of patients in Ontario since we were founded in 2021. Patients who use TeleTest love the experience we have created. We're working hard to improve the healthcare experience.

When was TeleTest founded?

TeleTest was founded in January 2021 in response to the pandemic. During the pandemic, many clinics closed their doors and limited access to care. Since then, we've focused on improving the patient care experience and building an experience that aligns with providing high-quality, evidence-based care.

You can read more about our mission here: Our Mission

Will my family doctor get in trouble if I use TeleTest?

No your family physician will not be penalized for your use of TeleTest.

In Ontario, your family doctor is required to pay the walk-in clinic physician personally for each visit you make to their clinic. Because of this payment structure, family doctors advise you not to use walk-in clinic services.

Virtual Telemedicine services like TeleTest do not bill OHIP for providing care, so your family doctor isn't penalized for accessing care from another provider. This means you can use TeleTest for lab testing or renewal needs when your doctor isn't available without the risk of being removed from their practice.

Furthermore, if you have an abnormal test result, it is reviewed with a physician through secure messaging, so we do not bill OHIP for treatment and your family doctor doesn't get in trouble for your 'outside use'.

We're here to support you and your family doctor and make accessing care easy. If you are part of a Family Health Team or rostered to a physician, you can use TeleTest without worrying about your doctor being penalized for testing/treatment purposes.

If I use TeleTest will my family doctor find out?

No, we do not notify your family doctor that you used TeleTest, and your lab results are not sent to your family doctor.

Family doctors are informed about your visit to walk-in clinics because the government makes your family doctor pay the walk-in doctor for a walk-in clinic visit.

Because TeleTest doesn't bill OHIP, your family doctor isn't penalized or informed about your consultation with our physicians.

Can my doctor see my consultations?

No, in Ontario your family doctor cannot access your consultations with TeleTest physicians. This information can only be released with your explicit signed consent. We understand that many patients value confidentiality concerning some aspects of their health.

The Process

How does it work?
  1. Select your desired test or medication panel and complete a short assessment to determine if online care is appropriate for you. Check-out.

  2. We’ll ask you some follow-up questions through a short survey about your medical history and symptoms.

  3. Select a time (same-day) to message a physician. You’ll get a link through our portal.

  4. Secure message (through a real-time messaging chat or mail) a physician who confirms your history, and answers any questions you have.

  5. If you have no questions, your requisition or medication is released immediately. Prescriptions are sent directly to your pharmacy and lab test requisitions are faxed to the lab(Lifelabs, Dynacare or Alpha labs) you selected. You also get a chance to print your lab requisition if you wish.

  6. Results are released to our patient portal when available.

Where do I go for my tests?

Your requisition is faxed to the lab of your choice at the time of your messaging chat. Simply show up at the lab with your ID and the lab completes all necessary testing. You can visit Life Labs, Dynacare or Alpha Labs. We work with all lab providers in Ontario.

You select your lab at the time of your request.

Labs use high-quality, accurate and validated tests that are better than home-testing kits currently available.

What services do I receive when paying for TeleTest?

TeleTest charges for access to messaging a physician (real-time chat or via Secure Mail). When you select your test panel you are provided with a link in our patient portal to book a time to securely message a physician, or correspond with a doctor through asynchronous Secure Mail.

The payment does not cover the actual cost of the medication or lab test. However, the actual cost of the lab test is often covered by your normal insurance e.g. OHIP in cases like sexual health screening.

Can TeleTest become my family doctor?

TeleTest physicians do not become your family doctor. We are also not meant to replace your family doctor if you have one, but provide access to medical services through episodic care - similar to if you visit another virtual care provider or the emergency room.

Does TeleTest make an appointment at the local lab?

We don't make appointments for you at the lab you selected. Please reach out to the lab to see if they accept walk-in services or are appointment only. The information is usually accessible on their respective websites (Dynacare/LifeLabs/Alpha Labs).

If you are completing only urine testing or a vaginal swab, NO APPOINTMENTS are required. Simply show up to the lab and notify them you are dropping off a urine sample or need a swab, and you do not need to schedule an appointment.

Are the costs for various lab tests waived if I have a valid OHIP card?

TeleTest charges for access to messaging a physician (real-time chat or via Secure Mail). When you select your test panel, you are provided with a link in our patient portal to book a time to securely message a physician or correspond with a doctor through asynchronous Secure Mail.

The payment does not cover the actual cost of the medication or lab test. However, the actual cost of the lab test is often covered by your normal insurance e.g. OHIP in cases like sexual health screening. Please note that tests within the panel marked with a '$' sign indicate uninsured services and are not covered by OHIP.

Non-Residents of Ontario

I live near Ontario's border in Québec. Can I use TeleTest?

Sure, as long as you're in Ontario for your consultation, visit a lab and pharmacy in Ontario, we can provide our services to you.

Does TeleTest offer services in Canada or the US?

TeleTest currently operates only in Ontario, Canada.

Can I use TeleTest if I'm American or visiting from another country?

Yes, TeleTest is available if you have OHIP or if you're visiting internationally. Just follow the usual steps: choose a test, pay, and complete your health history. Then you can set up a chat with a doctor to get things moving. We offer only the tests and prescriptions listed on our website.

Private Insurance

Will my Private Insurance or Health Spending Account (HSA) cover TeleTest fees?

Most insurance plans cover online medical consultation with a physician. We send you a receipt for your consultation or subscription, which you can use to seek reimbursement from your private insurance or HSA. We're working on direct billing with your insurer.

Can I claim the service fee from insurance?

Most insurance plans reimburse virtual medical consultations. Check with your insurer, and we can provide an invoice with the required details.

Can I get a detailed receipt for insurance claims?

Absolutely, email us at for a detailed receipt suitable for your benefits claims.

FAQ Pages and Order Guides

What are Order Guides?

We've created a number of FAQ pages that you can access to review commonly asked questions, related to specific diseases or test procedures. You can access them from our FAQ page.

TeleTest uses Canadian Practice Guidelines from various disciplines to guide surveillance testing. We recommend testing only in accordance with Choosing Wisely and Guideline Recommendations.

If you have any medical or testing questions, you can bring them up at the time of your messaging consultation with the doctor.

The most common order guides are found here:

I have OHIP. Why do I still have to pay?

TeleTest charges for access to secure messaging/mail communication with a physician. Messaging consultations are currently not covered by OHIP insurance in Ontario. The fee TeleTest charges does not cover the cost of testing but in nearly all cases your card will cover the cost of testing.

Some testing (i.e. Vitamin D) might be uninsured and you might have to pay separate lab fees at the time you visit the lab.

If you would like to obtain access to testing with your OHIP card, please find a local walk-in clinic or urgent care centre and visit their location in person.

Are all tests covered if I have OHIP insurance?

Most of the tests available through TeleTest are insured tests. That means you do not have to pay lab fees. For example, STI testing is available to anyone with OHIP coverage as access to STI testing is a medical necessity.

If the doctor includes additional testing that is not medically necessary (i.e. Vitamin D testing), then you have to pay separate lab fees at the time you visit the lab.

Why are some tests not covered if I have OHIP insurance?

The government has determined that some testing should not be covered by OHIP. If you're curious about your Vitamin D levels, or your lead levels, but don't have a medical diagnosis that warrants Vitamin D or lead level testing, then our doctors cannot order testing under OHIP insurance.

Examples of tests that do not routinely inform clinical decision-making are T3 and T4 levels (thyroid-related). These tests are generally ordered, if at all, as uninsured tests.

Does TeleTest limit testing?

TeleTest follows guideline recommendations for test frequency. For example, eligibility for diabetes screening is determined using your intake questionnaire based on the CANRISK Tool (a calculator used to estimate your risk of having diabetes). Testing is limited to the frequency recommended by The Candian Diabetes Guidelines. If you would like more frequent screening than currently recommended, you would pay for these tests as uninsured tests.

STI testing can be accessed as frequently as you wish, provided you have a valid medical reason to test.

Read more here.

What happens when I select a test panel?

We ask that you complete an initial intake to ensure your concern is appropriate for virtual care. After check-out, we gather a few more details about your medical history to determine the appropriateness of the test. Once completed, choose a time to confirm your details are accurate with a physician and if you have any questions, you can ask them. Once confirmed, your requisition is immediately released to the lab. All requisitions are faxed immediately and take 24 hours to process by the lab, but you get a digital copy of your requisition in case you want to print it off and go in for testing right away (skipping the 24-hour waiting period). Dynacare reports 3-4 hours to turn around faxes, and Life Labs reports 24 hours. Results are uploaded to our portal when they are released by the labs.

Why was my intake cancelled and refunded?

Our medical team reviews intakes, and intakes are refunded and cancelled if:

i. An intake panel doesn't appear to match the reason for the test (e.g. a patient chooses an STI panel but wants Diabetes testing).

ii. A set of symptoms is determined not to be appropriately assessed by virtual care (i.e. abdominal/pelvic pain, chest pain, fevers/vomiting).

iii. An intake panel is a duplicate of a panel recently completed.

iv. The testing requested does not match the testing that TeleTest currently provides at this time.

v. You do not meet the our criteria for testing for this panel. For example, if you select our PED panel but are not on performance enhancing drugs (i.e. anabolic steroids), then we do not arrange testing at this time.

vi. You do not meet the prescribing criteria for a medication based on your intake history or a prior request.

The most common reason for refunded intake assessments is Option (ii). TeleTest strives to provide high-quality, evidence-based care that can be delivered efficiently through Virtual Care Messaging. Many medical concerns require an examination as a prerequisite to arranging testing or providing treatment.

You're entitled to obtain a visit through any other online or in-person provider to determine if a test or medication is appropriate for your medical needs.

Does TeleTest offer testing for adrenal fatigue or cortisol levels?

TeleTest does not offer testing for adrenal fatigue or adrenal insufficiency at this time. If you are interested in this test, you can arrange this through a local naturopath. For your information, we've included some information about cortisol testing below for individuals who are concerned they have Cushing's disease:

  1. Cortisol levels are ordered by physicians if we suspect you have a disease called Cushing’s disease, a very rare condition caused by either a brain tumour, adrenal tumour or at birth due to a rare genetic condition. The prevalence of high cortisol levels related to Cushing’s disease in Canada is approximately 5-15 people per million. This means in Canada, with a population of roughly 40 million people, only 200 people have a diagnosis of Cushing’s disease and have high cortisol levels due to the disease.

  2. Nearly everyone with weight gain or who is overweight does not have Cushing’s disease. To provide perspective, there are roughly 18 million people in Canada who are overweight or obese, and only roughly 200 of these individuals have a disease related to elevated cortisol levels.

  3. When we suspect Cushing’s disease, we do not order blood cortisol levels directly because there are preferred alternatives to this test.

  4. To test for Cushing disease, a doctor will ask that you collect your urine for 24 hours over 2 separate days, and then measure the total urine cortisol levels. This involves collecting your urine in a medical jar for 24 hours.

  5. Another test is a steroid suppression test, where we prescribe an oral steroid and then measure your morning cortisol levels after giving you an oral steroid.

  6. The danger of ordering cortisol levels randomly is we will see false positive results, which will lead to follow-up testing that is unnecessary, carries costs for the medical system, and is associated with potential complications from diagnosis (i.e. for example use of steroids to diagnose Cushing’s disease carries a rare risk of causing ‘bone death’ in your hip, even with a single dose).

My profile has been deactivated on TeleTest. What are possible reasons?

Below are a list of possible reasons your account may be suspended with TeleTest.

  1. You requested your account become inactive.

  2. You intentionally provide misinformation to our medical provider or office staff.

  3. You violate our terms of service or privacy policy.

  4. You use language in your communication with our staff that we consider harassment or threatening. We have a zero tolerance policy and use of abusive language, profanity or insinuation. Our staff deserve to work in an intimidation free workplace, and Bill C-3 protects this right.


Does TeleTest follow up on my test results?

Once the results are received, you will be notified and can view them in the portal. Please note that we only follow up on abnormal results. If your results require follow-up, a link to book an appointment will be available in the portal.

Do you follow up on abnormal tests?

We provide follow-up of abnormal test results (i.e. high cholesterol, new diabetes, positive chlamydia result) and a diagnosis and management plan. Most importantly, we have helped hundreds of patients get treated for chlamydia and gonorrhea. We ensure you have a clear plan to manage or further investigate a medical condition.

Will you send the results to my family doctor?

We do not share results with your primary care provider. While we do encourage a strong relationship with your primary care provider (sexual health is an important part of your family doctor's training, and we can assure you while it may seem awkward for you, its something we're all happy to help treat and manage), we understand many people do not want STI results going to your Primary Care Provider (PCP).

Our results are made available only to you. However, our results are part of Ontario's Laboratory Information Management System (OLIS) and results can be viewed by any healthcare provider involved in your care if they are specifically looking for your results.

As an example, if your family physician was investigating a concern you had and accessed OLIS data to review old information, they would be able to see that you went for testing and could review the results.

Your family doctor is never sent results when you go for testing through us, unless you request it at the time of your lab visit.

Can TeleTest reach out to discuss my test results once they are available?

TeleTest provides episodic care, similar to what you would receive in an emergency room or walk-in clinic, and does not offer ongoing follow-up for normal results. We do not establish an ongoing patient relationship after the initial consultation.

If you experience symptoms despite having normal results, it is advisable to seek in-person follow-up care with a doctor, as a physical examination may be necessary.

If you wish to discuss your results further with a doctor at TeleTest before visiting a clinic, you can book a follow-up appointment by completing a new consultation request.

For abnormal results, a follow-up link will appear in the patient portal, allowing you to schedule an appointment to discuss the findings with a doctor.

I completed my test, but the TeleTest portal still shows my requisition instead of result. How do I know if the results are on the way?

Once you provide the sample at the lab, please wait for the usual turnaround time for the results to be uploaded to the portal. Unfortunately, there is no mechanism for us to be notified when you submit the sample at the lab, so we don't receive any updates until the lab sends the report. Once the results are received, you will be notified and can view them in the portal.

If it has been couple of days more than the listed turnaround times for your results, please contact us and we will follow up with the lab for you.

Does my fee allow faster access to test results?

No. TeleTest does not allow for you to bypass the normal testing process. You still have to visit the lab to provide blood and urine samples for testing. We have no special arrangement with the lab that allows for faster testing.

We streamline the process by providing you with a testing requisition after a messaging consultations with a physician, and fax your paperwork directly to the lab. This allows you to visit the lab directly after a consultation. You simply show your ID and get tested.

We also upload results to your patient portal, so you don't need to return to a clinic to review your results, as is typical for most interactions with doctors' offices.

Can I use TeleTest if I don't have Health Insurance?

If you do not have health insurance, at the present time you have to pay an additional fee at the lab. We will be updating our service so your fees are collected at the time of check-out, so you don't have to pay any fees at the lab.

Who reviews my results?

Our physicians are licensed with the College of Physicians and Ontario.

What is the turn around time to get the results?

All results are processed by publicly funded laboratories. The following are typical test times associated with each individual result. We upload the results as soon as they are available. If you receive a partial lab result on your portal, please note the additional results will be released as soon as they arrive. Our bloodwork often arrives sooner than quoted, but these are officially quoted public health times.

Urine Gonorrhoea/Chlamydia: 3 Days (usually 36 hours)

HIV/Syphilis: 10 Days (usually 3-5 days)

Herpes: 10 Days (usually 7 days)

Hepatitis B/C: 6-10 Days (usually 3-5 days)

Rectal and Throat Gonorrhoea/Chlamydia Swabs: 5-7 Days

Mycoplasma Genitalium: 12-17 days

BV/Yeast infection(Vaginal swabs): 10 Days (usually 5-7 days)

Days = Business Days

How can I review my results?

You will be able to log in to your account and view new or old lab results. Our lab results are processed in real-time so as soon as we get a result, you will be notified by email.

Why can't I see my test results or why do they show as expired or pending in the portal?

For security, we periodically delete results from the portal. If your results have expired or are still pending, email us at for assistance. We'll re-upload your results or check the status with the lab.

What should I do if I want to talk to a doctor about confusing test results?

If you require further discussion about your test results due to concerns about them being confusing or misleading, please first check your portal for a follow-up link. This link is made available only if your report indicates abnormal results, as we do not schedule follow-ups for normal results.

If you still wish to discuss your results further after completing a follow-up request, you will need to initiate a new consultation. Please complete a new consultation request, fill out the intake form, and include any specific concerns or questions in the additional questions section for the physician to review. This process ensures that your concerns are addressed directly and efficiently by our medical team.

Can I expedite my test results?

A: Unfortunately, we can't expedite results in Ontario as the labs control processing times. However, we're seeing quick turnarounds for most tests. Check our website for real-time updates on lab turnaround times.

Consultation and Follow Up Requests

How do I follow up on my test results?

We will contact you if you have abnormal results. If you have normal results, TeleTest does not initiate follow-up. To speak with a physician again, you must request a new consultation request using the same process you originally used to book your appointment.

I visit the lab and completed my testing. I would like another test added to my paperwork - is that possible?

To obtain new testing after completing an initial set of tests, you can request new paperwork by completing another consultation request. This involves selecting a new test panel, completing the intake history and then booking a time to message a physician. TeleTest physicians do not add testing or issue new requisitions outside of a consultation.

I would like to add more testing to my paperwork but already completed my consultation. What should I do?

We receive a large volume of requests for modification of paperwork after completing a consultation. New testing can only be arranged at the time of a physician consultation.

To add new tests, you must complete a new consultation request. This involves selecting a new test panel, completing an intake history, and booking a consultation time. TeleTest physicians do not add testing or issue new requisitions outside of consultations (i.e. via email). Your new consultation may not be with the same physician you originally spoke with.

It is important to note that additional testing is only added to requisitions if deemed medically appropriate by the ordering physician. If testing is not appropriate, a physician may decline to order specific tests requested.

I completed by consultation, but would like to request medication for treatment. What should I do?

Once you complete a consultation with a physician, our system does not permit you to access the same physician for a follow up request. This includes a request for medication.

Our system will connect you with a physician once we receive results, if you have abnormal results and require medication for treatment of an infectious disease.

To request medication after a consultation is completed, you must complete a new consultation request. This involves selecting a new test panel, completing an intake history, and booking a consultation time again. Please note that you may not be reconnected with the same physician you originally consulted with.

I completed my consultation but would like to talk with the doctor again. What should I do?

Once you complete a consultation with a physician, our system does not permit you to access the same physician for a follow up request. This includes a request for medication or for further discussion of your previous consultation request.

Our system will connect you with a physician once we receive results, if you have abnormal results and require medication for treatment of an infectious disease.

To request a follow up after a consultation is completed, you must complete a new consultation request. This involves selecting a new test panel, completing an intake history, and booking a consultation time again. Please note that you may not be reconnected with the same physician you originally consulted with.

I visited the lab for testing but have new information and symptoms. What should I do?

Once you complete a review with a physician for your original requisition, our system does not permit you to access the same physician for a follow-up request. This includes a request for medication or a discussion of further symptoms or medications.

However, our system will connect you with a physician once we receive results if you have abnormal results and require medication for the treatment of an infectious disease.

To request further medical guidance after you have visited the lab, you must complete a new consultation request. This involves selecting a new test panel, completing an intake history, and booking a consultation time again. Please note that you may not be reconnected with the same physician you originally consulted with.

I have normal results. Can I book follow up with a doctor to discuss further?

TeleTest provides episodic care and does not provide ongoing follow-up in the context of normal results. We do not form an ongoing patient relationship with you after your initial consultation with us, and provide care similar to what you would receive in an emergency room or walk-in clinic. If you are experiencing symptoms in the context of normal results it is advisable for you to seek follow-up care in person with a doctor as an examination is often required.

If you would like to discuss further with any doctor at TeleTest before going in for an exam, you're entitled to book a follow-up appointment with a doctor at TeleTest by completing a new consultation request.

Can I schedule a voice call or video call to discuss my tests and results?

TeleTest operates as a messaging-based platform. If you have abnormal test results and require follow-up, our initial follow-up with you occurs via a secure messaging chat. You can discuss video/phone call care at that time with your provider.

I would like to repeat my testing. Can TeleTest issue me a new requisition for additional testing?

TeleTest physicians issue a single requisition per consultation request. To request multiple tests, or repeat testing at a later date, you need to complete a new consultation request by completing a new intake history. Please note that you do not need to use TeleTest for repeat testing, and can also visit any local walk-in clinic or use your family doctor for this request.

If you have a subscription service with us, please email us at and ask us to authorize your subscription. Our team will approve a consultation request but you must complete a new medical history form and schedule a new consultation request with the doctor before the paperwork is sent to the lab.

I'm experiencing symptoms after treatment. Can I have my pharmacy fax a refill request to TeleTest?

If you experience symptoms after consulting with a TeleTest physician, we recommend seeking an in-person evaluation from a local physician, as a physical examination might be necessary. You have the option to schedule another TeleTest consultation for additional guidance prior to an in-person appointment. To arrange this, please complete the check-out procedure and provide an updated intake history. Note that you may not be reconnected with the initial physician.

During this follow-up consultation, the TeleTest doctor may prescribe medication or advise an in-person visit with a local physician. Please be aware that TeleTest does not process prescription authorization requests from pharmacies, and prescriptions are exclusively transmitted at the time of consultation.

I'm experiencing symptoms after treatment. Can I have an appointment with the doctor?

If you experience symptoms after consulting with a TeleTest physician, we recommend seeking an in-person evaluation from a local physician, as a physical examination might be necessary. You have the option to schedule another TeleTest consultation for additional guidance prior to an in-person appointment. To arrange this, please complete the check-out procedure and provide an updated intake history. Note that you may not be reconnected with the initial physician.

During this follow-up consultation, the TeleTest doctor may prescribe medication or advise an in-person visit with a local physician.

I'm experiencing symptoms even though my results came back negative. Can I talk to a doctor and get medication prescribed?

If you experience symptoms after consulting with a TeleTest physician, we recommend seeking an in-person evaluation from a local physician, as a physical examination might be necessary. You have the option to schedule another TeleTest consultation for additional guidance prior to an in-person appointment. To arrange this, please complete the check-out procedure and provide an updated intake history. Note that you may not be reconnected with the initial physician.

During this follow-up consultation, the TeleTest doctor may prescribe medication or advise an in-person visit with a local physician.

I had a positive STI result and was told to re-test in 30-90 days. Can I email to have another requisition?

New test requisitions are only generated at the time of a consultation request. Please book a repeat consultation to request a new requisition.

I've develop symptoms after receiving a requisition for a check-up but haven't been tested yet. Can I talk to the doctor?

If you experience symptoms before test results are available, we recommend seeking an in-person evaluation from a local physician, as a physical examination might be necessary.

You have the option to schedule another TeleTest consultation for additional guidance prior to an in-person appointment. To arrange this, please complete a new consultation request by selecting a panel, completing the check-out procedure and providing an updated intake history.

Please note that you may not be reconnected with same physician you originally consulted with. If you have fevers, feel unwell or feel you are experiencing a medical emergency, please seek care through a local emergency department.

I've developed symptoms since I completed my testing, but my test results aren't available yet. What should I do?

If you experience symptoms before test results are available, we recommend seeking an in-person evaluation from a local physician, as a physical examination might be necessary. You have the option to schedule another TeleTest consultation for additional guidance prior to an in-person appointment. To arrange this, please complete a new consultation request by selecting a panel, completing the check-out procedure and providing an updated intake history. Please note that you may not be reconnected with same physician you originally consulted with. If you have fevers, feel unwell or feel you are experiencing a medical emergency, please seek care through a local emergency department.

I've developed symptoms since I completed my follow-up appointment. Can I get any medication prescribed?

If you experience symptoms after consulting with a TeleTest physician, we recommend seeking an in-person evaluation from a local physician, as a physical examination might be necessary. Once you complete a consultation with a physician, our system does not permit you to access the same physician for another follow up request. This includes a request for medication or for further discussion of your previous consultation request.

To request a follow up after a consultation is completed, you must complete a new consultation request. This involves selecting a new test panel, completing an intake history, and booking a consultation time again. Please note that you may not be reconnected with the same physician you originally consulted with.

I completed my testing and follow-up but I have new information for the doctor. What should I do?

TeleTest provides episodic care and does not provide ongoing follow-up in the context of normal results. If you have abnormal results and receive treatment, we do not provide further follow-up after your initial follow-up consultation is completed. If you have additional medical information to share that might guide changes in your medical care, you must request a new consultation through our system, or try a local walk-in clinic or urgent care centre. If you use TeleTest again, you may not be connected with the same physician you spoke with originally, but s/he will have access to your medical information.

We do not form an ongoing patient relationship with you after your initial consultation with us, and provide care similar to what you would receive in an emergency room or walk-in clinic.

I have additional questions but completed my consultation. Can I talk to the doctor again?

We receive a large number of requests to have a follow-up call or messaging chat with a physician. Once you complete a consultation with a physician, our system does not permit you to access the same physician for a follow-up request.

To ask any follow-up questions after a consultation is completed, you must complete a new consultation request. This involves selecting a new test panel, completing an intake history, and booking a consultation time again. Please note that you may not be reconnected with the same physician you originally consulted with.

I lost my medications after picking them up. Can I get another prescription faxed to my pharmacy?

We receive a large volume of requests for refills for lost prescriptions. To request a refill of a prescription, you need to complete a new consultation request with a physician. This involves selecting a new test panel, completing an intake history, and booking a consultation time again. Please note that you may not be reconnected with the same physician you originally consulted with.

I have concerns about the medication I was prescribed. What should I do?

Once you complete a consultation with a physician, our system does not permit you to access the same physician for a follow-up request, including discussions about prescribed medication.

To request or discuss concerns about your medication after a consultation is completed, you must complete a new consultation request. This process involves selecting a new test panel, completing an intake history, and booking a consultation time again. Please note that you may not be reconnected with the same physician you originally consulted with.

What should I do if I experience a bad reaction while taking medication?

If you're experiencing an adverse reaction to a prescribed medication, we recommend you stop the medication and reach out to a local health care provider - either your issuing pharmacist or a local walk-in clinic. If you feel you're experiencing a medical emergency, please go to your nearest emergency room.

STI Specific Questions

Please see our FAQ page here for more questions about STI testing.

I was exposed to an STI. Do I need to test to get treatment, or can I get medication immediately?

TeleTest physicians can provide an immediate prescription for the treatment of chlamydia, gonorrhea or herpes.

TeleTest cannot provide treatment for HIV and Syphilis but we can test for these conditions.

If you are concerned about a needle stick injury, sexual assault or confirmed exposure to someone with Hepatitis B or HIV, please seek out care through an emergency department.

I don't have a family doctor - will you be able to provide treatment if I have a positive result?

We do offer treatment for transmissible infections. If you have a positive result for chlamydia/gonorrhea/trichomoniasis, our physicians will be in contact with you with medications for treatment. We also contact you if you have a positive result for syphilis and HIV. If you have cold sores or genital herpes, we can prescribe oral Valacyclovir to treat outbreaks. Oral medications are far more effective than cream-based treatments.

Can I receive an immediate prescription for Chlamydia treatment if I have positive results and my Doctor's office is closed?

Yes, if you have received positive test results for chlamydia and your doctor's office is closed, TeleTest physicians can provide an immediate prescription for the treatment of chlamydia. This service is also available for gonorrhea or herpes treatment.

I submitted a urine sample for testing but realized I was not being tested for Trichomoniasis, which can be detected through urine. Can this test be added to my existing requisition?

Once an initial consultation is completed and a lab requisition is provided, no additional tests can be added to that requisition. If you wish to be tested for Trichomoniasis or any other condition not included in your initial testing, you will need to undergo a new consultation process.

To obtain testing for additional conditions after completing an initial set of tests, please follow these steps:

  1. Request New Paperwork: Initiate a new consultation request through your TeleTest account.

  2. Select a New Test Panel: Choose the appropriate test panel that includes the additional tests you require.

  3. Complete the Intake History: Fill out the necessary medical history and specific testing requests.

  4. Book a Consultation Time: Schedule a time to message a physician through the TeleTest platform.

Please note that TeleTest physicians do not issue new requisitions or add tests outside of a consultation. Each set of requested tests must be processed through a formal consultation to ensure accuracy and appropriateness based on medical guidelines.

Can I add Hepatitis B and C to my STI testing requisition?

We do not routinely screen for Hepatitis B and C as part of our standard STI screening. However, if you meet certain criteria and request these tests during a chat with the doctor, they may be added to your requisition at the doctor's discretion. Please discuss your specific situation with the doctor to determine if these tests are appropriate for you.

Please find more information here:

Hepatitis B:

Hepatitis C:

I only see urine results - when does my bloodwork show up?

Bloodwork typically takes a few extra days - hang tight, we will upload your results and you will get a notification from our portal. We track real-time reporting from different labs within your portal.

Do I need to use TeleTest to access STI Testing?

You can access STI testing through a local walk-in clinic or emergency room with a valid Ontario health card for free. You would typically require two separate doctor's appointments - one to obtain a requisition and one to review the results and/or receive treatment. Many clinics operate under a 'no news is good news policy' meaning they don't call you for negative results, and many often make you book a follow-up appointment to review results. TeleTest allows you to view your results through our portal, and if you would like to share your results with a new partner, you can share your results at your own discretion. Some clinics also provide free access for those without a valid OHIP card. You can always call ahead to determine test availability for non-OHIP insurance.

I have had normal STI testing. Does this mean I can have unprotected sex with my partner?

The presence of negative STI test results indicates you do not have the infections we screened you for. You can have a conversation with your partner about having unprotected sex, understanding unprotected sex comes with some caveats:

  • There are some infections like herpes (HSV) or the human papillomavirus (HPV) that are not screened for with routine STI testing. You can still transmit or acquire these infections with unprotected (or protected) sex.

  • If your prior STI testing was not completed after the end of the window period (i.e. the time after which we get the most reliable results), there is a possibility that you have an infection that wasn’t detected but is present. For the most reliable STI results, we advise waiting for the closure of your window period to have the most accurate results.

  • There is a possibility of a false negative result (i.e. you have an infection that the testing didn’t pick up on). This rate is low, but if you would like to be extra certain of a result, it’s reasonable to repeat testing before you become unprotected with a partner.

When should I repeat the test if I tested too early with my prior screening?

The window period for different STIs are listed below: - HIV and Syphilis: 12 weeks - Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: 2 weeks - Hepatitis C: 180 days

If you tested before the end of your window period, you should repeat testing after that date. For example, if you had sex on January 1, and tested on January 3, you should repeat a urine STI test on January 15.

Lab Locations

I have had normal STI testing. Does this mean I can have unprotected sex with my partner?

The presence of negative STI test results indicates you do not have the infections we screened you for. You can have a conversation with your partner about having unprotected sex, understanding unprotected sex comes with some caveats:

  • There are some infections like herpes (HSV) or the human papillomavirus (HPV) that are not screened for with routine STI testing. You can still transmit or acquire these infections with unprotected (or protected) sex.

  • If your prior STI testing was not completed after the end of the window period (i.e. the time after which we get the most reliable results), there is a possibility that you have an infection that wasn’t detected but is present. For the most reliable STI results, we advise waiting for the closure of your window period to have the most accurate results.

  • There is a possibility of a false negative result (i.e. you have an infection that the testing didn’t pick up on). This rate is low, but if you would like to be extra certain of a result, it’s reasonable to repeat testing before you become unprotected with a partner.

When should I repeat the test if I tested too early with my prior screening?

The window period for different STIs are listed below:

- HIV and Syphilis: 12 weeks

- Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: 2 weeks

- Hepatitis C: 180 days

If you tested before the end of your window period, you should repeat testing after that date. For example, if you had sex on January 1, and tested on January 3, you should repeat a urine STI test on January 15. 12m

Lab Locations

It's hard to get an appointment at the lab I selected - can I change locations?

Of course - please email us at and we will fax it to a revised address immediately. You also get a digital copy of your requisition to your email address after ordering a test, so if you're in a bind and find a walk-in appointment, you can print off a copy and bring it with you. Labs take 24 hours to process our faxes so by emailing you the requisition, you have the flexibility to go in immediately.

Pharmacy Issues

My pharmacy doesn't stock my medication. What should I do?
  1. You can request a substitute medication by emailing our support team or sending us a message via our Contact Us form on your portal.

  2. Pharmacies within Ontario have contracts with different drug manufacturers. Rexall, Shoppers Drug Mart and Pharmasave may all have different suppliers. A medication that Shoppers May not carry can be obtained at a Pharmasave. You can call around to different pharmacies in your area and ask if they carry your prescribed medication in stock. If another pharmacy has it in stock or can obtain it for you, ask that pharmacy to request the faxed prescription from the original pharmacy TeleTest sent your medication to. If you require further assistance, you can also email

Can I obtain a copy of the prescription if the medication is on back order?

Our system is designed to send a digital copy of the prescription, and we are working on to making this accessible to you. Here are the steps you can take:

  1. Try Different Pharmacies: Check with various pharmacies to see if they have your medication in stock.

  2. Request a Transfer: If you find a pharmacy that has the medication, you can request that they contact the original pharmacy to which we sent the prescription for a transfer.

  3. Direct Fax from Us: Alternatively, once you locate a pharmacy able to fill your prescription, inform us of their details, and we can directly fax a copy of the prescription to the new pharmacy's address.

What should I do if the medication prescribed is not available in my pharmacy?

Pharmacies can also transfer prescriptions between locations. If your prescription is sent to Pharmacy A, and Pharmacy A does not have your medication but Pharmacy B does, then you can ask Pharmacy B to reach out to Pharmacy A and and have them transfer the prescription to Pharmacy B. The pharmacist at Pharmacy B will do this for you.


Does TeleTest fill out school/work immunization forms?

To obtain vaccination or complete forms, you can take a copy of your bloodwork to any local clinic. TeleTest does not complete forms at this time. If you require any vaccines, walk-in clinics carry these on-site and can provide you with the vaccination when your paperwork is completed.

Suggestions for the Government

How can we improve STI access?

Here's a list of some simple changes that would have a dramatic impact on STI care in Ontario.

  • Allow labs to carry Roche Cobas PCR Swabs, so men and women who are at higher risk who require anal and oral screening can self-swab. This eliminates the need for additional costs to provide basic STI screening.

  • Allow labs to carry Copan Viral PCR swabs, so patients can self-swab suspected viral HSV outbreaks. HSV swab testing is time-sensitive, and if a 72 hour window is missed, it can result in a missed HSV diagnosis.

  • Expand the scope of pharmacists to administer Ceftriaxone injections for confirmed cases of gonorrhea. Cefixime + azithromycin is 2nd line treatment and routinely provided because of access issues. This contributes to drug resistance and greater disease burden due to treatment failures.

  • Expand the scope of pharmacists to administer Penicillin injections for confirmed cases of syphilis, or routinely supply this to walk-in clinics so they can administer treatment.

  • Create a limited use code for doxycycline, azithromycin and cefixime so anyone with a prescription (even without ODSP) can access STI treatment for free without visiting an STI clinic.

Last updated